Over the next 3 years, BSF will invest over $2.3M in Boston schools to improve school quality through PEAK Grants
The Partnering with Educators to Accelerate Knowledge (PEAK) initiative is launching in partnership with Boston Public Schools.
“It will take all of us to make BPS a better place for our students and I am proud to see the sheer amount of support we have here in Boston.”
Program Overview
10-12 schools
BPS, Charter, Parochial schools are eligible
3 cohorts, launching first one in SY22-23
3-year commitment
3 years of targeted support focused on high-quality instruction and aligned professional learning
Up to $100,000 per year, per school
Funding will be split between vetted technical assistance providers and direct funding for schools
PEAK Grants invest in improving instruction through high-quality instructional materials and aligned teacher support
Disruptions to schooling caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have left a significant impact on students academic and social emotional well-being. Data from National Assessment of Educational Progress and MCAS, show us that students will need focused support to recover.
Research indicates that using high-quality instructional materials and ensuring that teachers are supported in their use can improve student academic outcomes.
Program Approach and Goals
The goals of PEAK are to improve student outcomes, specifically for students from historically marginalized communities including Black students, Latino students, English Learners, and Students with Disabilities by increasing the use of high-quality curriculum with integrity, aligned curriculum-based professional learning, and strong instructional systems.
Supporting Historically Underserved Students
We selected schools that serve a significant number of Black and Latino students, Students with Disabilities, and English Learners.
Matching & Providing Strong Partner Support
Through a rigorous selection process, in 2022 we chose four schools across the city to receive 3-year grants worth up to $100,000 per year.
Selecting Multi-Year Grantees
Grantees receive support from a partner who provides coaching, capacity building, and teacher support to help implement curriculum and improve instruction.
Adams Elementary School
The Adams is focused on implementing a new, high-quality math curriculum with the support of Attuned Partners.
Sumner Elementary School
The Sumner is working with Attuned Partners on building systems to improve its math instruction.
Rafael Hernández Dual Language School
The Canizales Group is working with the Hernández on adopting a biliteracy curriculum to support its dual language program.
Conservatory Lab Charter School
Conservatory Lab Charter School is focused on improving literacy instruction with support from CORE Learning.
cohort 2
Gardner Pilot Academy, John F. Kennedy Elementary School, Mather Elementary School, Mildred Avenue K-8 School, and Russell Elementary School
These schools will be working with Boston Schools Fund to implement evidence-based literacy practices in grades 3-6.
Thank you to our supporters
If you are interested in learning more, please reach out to our Director of School Partnerships.