FYI from BSF, 9.11.20


Some things we have read through recently…


Please check out our newsletter from yesterday.  Let us know what you think.

School Reopening,  Boston, MA, and Beyond

The super coverage this week came out of Andover.  The state labor relations board ruled Andover teachers struck illegally by refusing to enter a school building for meetings.  Coverage here, here, here, here, here, and here.

Things look sunnier in Boston on the labor front.  BPS and BTU created a new MOU yesterday.  [Boston Public Schools, Boston Teachers Union, and Memorandum of Understanding for those not fluent in ed abbreviations.]  It’s not a short document; BTU has their summary here.  The agreement addresses a lot of issues related to working conditions (e.g., remote vs. in buildings) and health and safety protocols, which are critical.  Each class is required to have a “synchronous moment,” but there is a lot of authority being devolved to the school/classroom level.  Despite this agreement (and perhaps outside of its scope), still remaining as unanswered for most BPS parents:

BPS offered a tour of some school buildings for the media, but not teachers.

The focus on buildings is curious, given that nearly half of BPS families surveyed (but worth noting, not a representative sample) have opted out and plan to stay in remote learning for at least the start of the sc

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There are kids back in school - in areas outside of greater Boston and even in Boston (Catholic schools are reporting a spike in enrollment; some students heading into Boston Prep).

From the state level, we got some updated nursing guidelines, as well as FAQs on how cities/school districts can establish remote learning centers.  In the DESE weekly newsletter.

MA is also spending some ad money on back to school time.

Here is a simple but clever visualization of how major school districts across America are handling reopening relative to COVID levels in that community  Giant pink dot is Miami-Dade, giant blue dot is NYC, etc. From USAFacts.

Other Matters

If you are a Boston parent or know someone who is, sign up for the virtual event “Boston Families Building Boston Schools” next Tuesday at 7 PM.

Help the United Way find additional spaces to expand child care.

Gaps persist in school discipline by race and gender.

Achieving teacher diversity in Boston is now in its 6th decade.

BPS paid departing employees three-quarters of a million dollars.  

Contemplating September 11th as recent history in curriculum.

Will Austin