the esser opportunity
An Historic Windfall for American Education
In March, President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan Act, which included an additional $122 billion dollars to the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund. When adjusted for inflation, the total ESSER Fund — nearly $190 billion — is as much money as the United States spent to rebuild Europe after World War II.
With $454.5 million total ESSER dollars earmarked for Boston Public Schools alone, this is a once-in-a-generation opportunity for Boston children. At Boston Schools Fund, we are committed to helping schools — and the public — understand and leverage the full opportunity that ESSER presents.
Understanding the ESSER Opportunity
With the historic influx of federal relief funding coming to schools, Boston Schools Fund has published a new resource, Understanding the ESSER Opportunity. With key background information and context-setting specific to Boston’s K-12 education landscape, our deck distills the complexities of federal grants into an easy-to-understand, approachable guide.
More from Boston Schools Fund
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